For the 2024Classic we will visit Lake Chickamauga in Hixon Tennesse 
Chester Frost Boat Launch
2277 Gold Point Circle North , Hixon Tennessee 37343

Lake is off Limits March 1st  through  March 28th  
No outside information that is not available to the public via internet will be allowed to be obtained during the off limits or practice period. No use of guides.
Official Practice days are Saturday March 29th through Wednesday April 2nd
Tournament days are Thursday April 3rd and Friday April 4th 

A pre tournament meeting which will be held on Wednesday April 2nd at the Chester Frost ramp. Meeting will start at 4:30pm. Boat Numbers will be drawn at this time. Make sure that if you do not have an official entry form/waiver already submitted to bring it with you! Every participant is required to personally sign the entry form waiver. 

We would also like to remind everyone that if your partner is unable to attend the event , you are welcome to pair up with another angler who has qualified.

 Team Series Classic 
Below is a list of Classic Qualifiers. If you do not see your name on the list and fished the required events to participate, please text Phil @ (614)598-9606 asap

Blue = Payment received with entry form - Red = Verbally Committed - Yellow = PAYMENT RECEIVED NO FORM
Central Division

Ron Nutter & Dirk Davenport
Cody Englefield & Parker Green
Alexander Datz & AJ Compston
Ryan Jones & Brendon Davis  
Jeff Thomas & Johhny Thompson Jr
Sam Tucker & Casey English
Brent Fetherolf & Brian Poe
Dave Adams & Matt Climer 
Mike Cullop & Hoss Cullop
Mike Casey & Don Workman
Johhny Thompson BUB and Tyler Mosser
Rick Imler & Scott Newlon
Mike Ray & Taylor Nestor 
Doug Bennett & Tanner Bennett
Mike Smith & Jerry Smith

Shawnee Division

Kyle Kanet & Ty Boehringer
Joe Kunkle & Scott Sloan
Shawn Jordan & Zane Myers
Matt Petry & Chad Cremeens
Scott Tangerman & Kevin Tangerman
Aaron Moffit & Zach Wilt 
Ken Pond & Jon Angstsman
Jeff Alexander & Cody Alexander
Bob Smith & JR Claxon
Grayden Satterfield & Graydon Satterfield Jr
Steve Rodgers & Dave Hixon
Otis Baumgardnt & Craig Baumgardnt
Nate Haynes & Howard Jackson
Dave Arnold & Dan Stant
Bill Brown & Bill Mathew
Kevin Pierce & DustinPierce
Rich Miller & Bryan Davis
Michael Visconti & Tony Cannon

Mid Buckeye Division

Jeff Carpenter & Blake Barry
Ben Smith & Bobby Smith
Andrew Marris & Kyle Conley
Mike Neibert & Jon Fichtner
Mike Shoemaker & Chris ShoeMaker
Camren Smith & Braden Cox 
Kris Kocchheiser & Anita Kochheieser
Don Roberts & Don Coots
Don Meachem & Roger Gosnell

Rocky Creeks Division

Garet Bennett & Jeff Riley
Ron Hiles & Jamie Helton
Jason Justice & Mike Elliot
Larry Lallier & Dustin Hartley
Bob Robinson & Gary Hill
Virgil Moore & Shane Sexton
Tim Partin & Jerry Parker
Aaron Timberlake & Derrick Timberlake
Tom Lawhorn & Roger Thacker
Gunner Davis & Bruce Helton
James Doughman & Dean Wilson
Jacob Hackworth
Matt Cannon & Mark Harlow
Frank Williams & Connie Snook
Anthony Brooks & Zach Cook
Dusty Carter & Gillium
Chris Storts & Gary Shepherd
William Brubaker & Chris Tussing

Classic Entry fee and form must be received or postmarked by 3-8-25 to be eligible to participate 
Eastern Division

Ray Petree & Mike Petree
Collin Gardner & Camden Doty
Jeff McBeth & Bailey McBeth

We would like to thank all of the awesome companies that supported the circuit in 2024